In virtually every real trial you’ll be faced with potential jurors having the capacity to torpedo your case. You need to embrace them. Figure out what they believe and how they think.
Four Steps to Trying a More Compact Case
Noted injury attorney Joe Fried advocates adopting a “speed trial” approach. There are steps attorneys can take well before trial to make this happen.
Simplifying Witness Presentations
Probably the most common thing trial lawyers do in court is present lay witness testimony. I recommend taking five steps as you prepare to question your lay witnesses at trial.
A New Way to Think About Evidence, Part 3
Steps to becoming proficient in laying an evidentiary foundation to introduce evidence.
The Reptile’s Court Track Record
The willingness of trial judges to allow Reptile evidence and arguments is very much a moving target. Today we explore a sampling of possible outcomes and discuss why lawyers on both sides must research whether their trial judge has any track record on this issue.
The Importance of Opposition Role Play
Many trial simulation exercises are doomed to produce unreliable feedback or outcomes. Here are some thoughts about that together with a possible solution.